Art is political Balance Biomorphism B&W Color Complimentary Contrast Composition Cropping Craftsmanship Curve Dynamism Evolution Expression Figure (ative) Foreground Flow Found object Framing Gesture Hands Hubris/Self doubt Hue Iconic Impermanence Improv Juxtaposition Kinesis Line Loose Lost art
Art is political Balance Biomorphism B&W Color Complimentary Contrast Composition Cropping Craftsmanship Curve Dynamism Evolution Expression Figure (ative) Foreground Flow Found object Framing Gesture Hands Hubris/Self doubt Hue Iconic Impermanence Improv Juxtaposition Kinesis Line Loose Lost art
Medium Mixed media Montage Mood Motif Multiple Narrative Negative Originality Ownership Patience Perfectionism Performance Permutation Perseverance Perspective Pigment Place Plane Pliable/malleable Point of view Portrait Pose Public art Raw Reach Redefinition Refine Repetition Replication
Medium Mixed media Montage Mood Motif Multiple Narrative Negative Originality Ownership Patience Perfectionism Performance Permutation Perseverance Perspective Pigment Place Plane Pliable/malleable Point of view Portrait Pose Public art Raw Reach Redefinition Refine Repetition Replication
Representation Respite Restraint Satire Scale Scene Schooling Selection Self doubt Self portrait Sensation/senses Singularity Simplicity Space Storytelling Structure Style Subtlety Theme Tension Texture Time Tone Ways of Seeing (m vs f) Value Unconscious design Visual/landscape design Writing
Representation Respite Restraint Satire Scale Scene Schooling Selection Self doubt Self portrait Sensation/senses Singularity Simplicity Space Storytelling Structure Style Subtlety Theme Tension Texture Time Tone Ways of Seeing (m vs f) Value Unconscious design Visual/landscape design Writing
I haven’t figured this out yet- ideally there would be more space between words and each word would link to a definition/observation.